the gathering ksa

Renovation with Traditional and Modern Touches

Al Majlis Al Khaleeji 
At the heart of the Al Majlis Al Khaleeji restaurant renovation project lies an innovative idea that transports visitors back to the 1970s and 1980s.

Al Majlis Al Khaleeji


Our Creativity

Known for serving traditional dishes with a modern touch, the restaurant’s visual identity was deeply reimagined by our creative team. We based our design on using authentic materials and design elements that embody the targeted eras, such as the traditional Ruq’ah script, vintage fabric reminiscent of bygone times, and colors and patterns that were popular back then.

Our Efforts

These combined efforts have revitalized the visual identity of Al Majlis Al Khaleeji, respecting and reviving traditions, providing visitors with an immersive experience that takes them to a golden era of Gulf history, while maintaining the quality and authenticity of the presentation.

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